Overview of the IAEC

Pondicherry University, being a teaching and research institution with many post-graduates and PhD scholars performing research on animals, has established a well maintained Central Animal House Facility (CAHF) catering to the needs of the entire university on animal experimentation. In order to oversee and evaluate all aspects of the institution’s animal care and use, the Pondicherry University Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) has been constituted by the Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India, New Delhi. The IAEC provides assurance for humane procedures and care of live vertebrate animals in teaching and research as detailed in the Rule 13 of the Breeding of and Experiments on Animals (Control and Supervision). Before research involving animal usage can be undertaken, the project will have to be reviewed and approved by the IAEC.

Responsibilities of the IAEC

  • IAEC reviews and approves all research proposals involving small laboratory animal experiments,which conform to the various guidelines for use of animals in research with an objective to assure quality maintenance and welfare of animals used in pre- clinical research.

  • For experiments on higher animals, the IAEC will forward its recommendation to the CPCSEA, New Delhi, for its approval process.

  • IAEC provides independent, competent and timely review of the ethics of proposed studies before the commencement of a study and regularly monitor the ongoing studies.

  • IAEC ensures compliance with all regulatory requirements, applicable guidelines to ensure and adhere to the principles of 3Rs viz Replacement, Reduction and Refinement.

  • Review periodically the university’s animal facility for the proper maintenance of the facility and the welfare of the animals and update to the office of the CPSCEA. 

  • Suspend the research activity which does not adhere to guidelines for use of animals in research and take corrective action.

  • Ensure that all personnel involved in animal care and use are appropriately trained and qualified to perform their duties and conduct the proposed activities

  • IAEC ensures that experiments shall be performed in every case by or under the supervision of a qualified person (Minimum qualification- Bachelor of Veterinary Science / Human Medicine or Post graduate in life sciences / Pharmaceutical sciences / Lab animal science) and under the responsibility of the Principle Investigator.

Composition of the IAEC

The below mentioned committee is valid for a period of 5 years (2017-2022)

Sl. No




Prof. Gurmeet Singh M.Sc., Ph. D

Chairman & Scientist from different discipline


Prof. A. Hannah Rachel Vasanthi M.Sc. Ph. D

Member Secretary & Biological Scientist


Dr. C. Thirunavukkarasu M.Sc., Ph. D

Scientist In-charge and Coordinator, CAHF


Dr. K. Prashanth M.Sc., Ph. D

Biological Scientist from inside the institution


Dr. Shonima P. M.V. Sc

Veterinarian, CAHF


Dr. R. Barathidasan M.V. Sc., Ph. D

Biological Scientist from outside the institution


Dr. A. Anita M.V. Sc

CPCSEA- Main Nominee


Dr. A. Muthuvel M.Sc., Ph. D

CPCSEA- Link Nominee


Dr. K. Raj Kumar M.V. Sc., Ph. D

Socially Aware Nominee

Proceedings of the IAEC

  • The members of the IAEC meet atleast twice a year or as and when the need arise to review the research proposals.

  • All principle investigators intending to execute any teaching/research activities involving experimental animals have to submit 9 copies of their proposals by filling the B-Form as per CPSCEA guidelines as and when the call for proposals are advertised in the University Website.

  • All proposals are sent to the members of IAEC 15 days prior to the meeting. The PIs are asked to make a presentation for 5- 10 minutes and after due review and scrutiny the IAEC members approve or suggest suitable modifications or ask to resubmit for the next meeting.

  •  In the case of Ph. D scholars, the candidate has to present in front of the IAEC members and the IAEC approval is given on the candidates name under the supervision of the respective guide. 

  • In the case of faculty submitting research proposals to be forwarded to funding agencies the same procedure has to be initiated by the PI.

  • The member secretary issues the approval/rejection letter with due signature of the CPSCEA Main Nominee which is valid for one year.

  • In case the validity of the approval is expired the PIs are requested to resubmit the proposal before initiating the work.

  • After the completion of the proposed work it is the responsibility of the PIs to submit the D- Form to the Vetneranian for the perusal of the IAEC.

  • The annual inspection of the animal facility would be done by the main nominee and the report is sent to CPSCEA online with the necessary photos every year for renewal of the registration of animal facility.

  • 18th IAEC Meeting

Standard Operating Procedure

Form B [ per rule 8(a)* ] – Application for Permission for Animal Experiments

Form C – Record of Animals bred / acquired: (to be maintained by the Breeder/Establishment)

Form D – Record of Animals Acquired and Experiments performed: (to be maintained by the Investigator)